Osteopathic Care for Pregnancy

Gentle support for you

Cheryl has completed a post-graduate diploma in Women's Health Osteopathy, so you can ensure that you will recieve the best care during your pregnancy.

Osteopathy is a very safe and effective form of pain relief during pregnancy. During pregnancy, you may experience physical, hormonal and emotional changes, which can have a direct impact on how your body feels. Osteopathy can ease your journey through this important period.

Common difficulties during pregnancy include:

  • Pelvic girdle pain
  • Back pain
  • Rib pain
  • Hip pain
  • Swollen legs
  • Bladder and/or bowel difficulties

Using gentle techniques to help mobilise joints and ease muscle stiffness, as well as offering advice on how to feel strong and confident in your body as your baby grows, Cheryl will be your body's BFF throughout your pregnancy experience.

Book A Pregnancy Appointment

What does it involve?

A holistic approach to wellbeing

Your Pregnancy Osteopathy appointment includes:

  • Full postural screen
  • Screening for bladder, bowel or sexual dysfunction
  • Pelvic floor muscle assessment (externally)
  • Abdominal muscle exam to check for any diastasis recti abdominis (DRA)
  • Education and advice on daily activities as well as exercise
  • Bespoke movement programme with your goals and lifestyle factors in mind
  • A written report of the findings of your assessment


As well as Pregnancy Osteopathy, Cheryl also offers Body Ready Birth® 1:1 workshops - read more below.

Book A Pregnancy Appointment

Body Ready Birth® 1:1 Workshop

Reclaim your body's wisdom for birth

Did you know that the pelvis has 3 distinct levels, and each level of the pelvis has specific movements that allows for greater movement and space there?
During labour baby will descend through these 3 levels of the pelvis, and needs adequate space in order to do so.
During your 1:1 Body Ready Birth® workshop you will learn:
  • the physiology of birth, and how to access your body's innate wisdom for birthing
  • how to prepare all 3 levels of the pelvis before birth
  • what to do when (and why) in each stage of labour to help things progress smoothly
  • to create functional mobility in your pelvis to proactively address common musculoskeletal reasons for delays in labour
  • specific, hands-on techniques for your birth partner to use to help with progress and comfort
  • the most effective birth positions so that you’re ready to intuitively find the position your body needs during labour

As part of the workshop you receive:

  • 2 hours of 1:1 education - including practicing hands-on techniques
  • access to the online portal, where you get to revise all the movements and techniques you've learned at your own pace
  • PDF printouts of the movements and techniques to put up in your birth environment

Investment - £150

Book A Body Ready Birth® Workshop

Body Ready Online Programmes

Want more pregnancy support?

Online on-demand targeted programmes for each stage of your journey into parenthood.
Rock your pregnancy with Body Ready Prenatal
Own your birth with Body Ready Birth
Recover faster with Body Ready Postpartum
(Affiliate link - by following the link below to purchase these programmes you help to support my small business. Thank you!)
Body Ready Online Offerings