Osteopathy for Pelvic Health

You don't need to 'just put up with it'

Cheryl offers specialised treatment for pelvic pain and pelvic floor difficulties.

Pelvic pain and its related symptoms are often a taboo subject - people suffer in silence with many symptoms that they feel are embarrassing or shameful, and don’t know what to do. These symptoms include incontinence, pelvic girdle pain, abdominal muscle separation, painful sex, and much more.

As a specialist in the field of pelvic health, Cheryl will look at treating pelvic pain and the pelvic floor without the use of invasive methods. Assessing, treating and advising to help you manage the issues associated with pelvic floor dysfunction.

Treatment of incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain includes:

  • Pelvic floor muscle training
  • Strength and mobility training
  • Advice on the use of other devices that may help (eg pessaries for pelvic organ support, or dilators for vaginismus)
  • Manual therapy for overactive or painful pelvic floor muscles
  • Bladder Training for overactive bladder syndrome
  • Rehabilitation following pelvic floor surgery or hysterectomy
  • Advice on pelvic and vaginal health
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Restore Your CoreĀ® for Pelvic Health

A whole body approach to healing

Cheryl is also a trained and certified Restore Your Core® teacher - trained in guiding you towards feeling strong and confident in your body again. She integrates this movement therapy approach into Pelvic Health sessions.

Your body is a system - Restore Your Core® movement therapy understands this.

RYC® understands that all movement is connected, and inefficient movement patterns in other places contribute to core and pelvic floor difficulties. We work with the whole of you to heal your core.

RYC® is the proven method for regaining your strength and confidence, long term.

  • uncover unhelpful movement patterns that are contributing to your symptoms without you knowing
  • take back your power
  • get intentional about your movement
  • build whole-body strength that begins in your core

The RYC programme is available online - a 12 week core-healing programme with pelvic health at its heart.

(Affiliate link - by purchasing this course through the below link you help to support my small business. Thank you!)

Restore Your CoreĀ® 12 week online programme

Time to prioritise yourself

I'm here to help

When it comes to recovering from pelvic health difficulties, there's so much that can make a difference:

  • improving breathing dynamics
  • improving foot & hip strength
  • improving upper body mobility
  • improving lifting technique
  • improving bowel & bladder habits
  • managing intra-abdominal pressure
  • reducing tension from scars
  • reducing stress

Seems overwhelming? Don't know where to start? Let me be your guide towards better pelvic health.

Book a Pelvic Health Appointment

What is the Pelvic Floor?

The pelvic floor refers to a group of muscles that run from the pubic bone to the tailbone. These muscles act like a sling and help support the bladder, bowel and reproductive organs. These reproductive organs include the uterus (in females) or the prostate (in males). Because we can’t see, and often can’t feel, the pelvic floor muscles it is very important to have a specialist identify which muscles are weak or tight, and how they are functioning.

Pelvic Health Specialists are trained to observe an individual’s patterns of movement and examine how their pelvic floor (and beyond!) is being loaded. They evaluate how the pelvic floor is functioning and the pressure that the pelvic floor is experiencing.

Whilst pelvic floor muscles are at the root of most Pelvic Health symptoms it is important that these symptoms not be treated in isolation.

A common misconception is that only females can experience pelvic health difficulties - whilst they're more common in females, males do experience symptoms, too.

What's involved in a Pelvic Health appointment?

An assessment starts with taking a detailed case history to find out more information about your general health, and more specifically about your bladder, bowel and pelvic function.

Then a physical examination is carried out - this includes looking at how well your joints can move (from feet to shoulders, it's all relevant!), assessing how you breathe and your current movement strategies, looking at how you manage pressure during certain activites/movements, and then assessing the pelvic floor.

The gold-standard of pelvic floor assessment is either vaginally or rectally, however, if you don't want an internal assessment then you absolutely don't have to. A lot of information can still be gathered by external assessment of the pelvic floor along all of the other information from the other assessments.

You will be given advice on how to begin rehabbing your pelvic difficulties - this will involve a bespoke movement programme, as well as other advice relevant to you and your goals.

Book A Pelvic Health Appointment